2. Intellectaul property rights
All content included on delest-couture.com, such as works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos, and any other material published in any format on delest-couture.com, including menus, web pages, graphics, colors, screens, fonts and web design, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software that are part of delest-couture.com (collectively, the “Contents”), are protected by copyright and all other intellectual property rights by Delest Couture, une société française dont le siège social est sis 1 rue pierre Les Diversités chareau 33300 bordeaux - et/ou du Prestataire et des autres titulaires des droits. You may not reproduce in any form, in whole or in part, delest-couture.com and/or its Contents without the express written consent of Delest Couture and the Provider.
Delest Couture and/or the Provider have the exclusive right to authorize or prohibit any direct or indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction of delest-couture.com and its Contents in any way or form.
Regarding the use of delest-couture.com, you are solely authorized to view the Website and its Contents. You are also authorized to perform all temporary reproductions, without any personal financial gain, considered transitory or accessory, an integral and essential part of viewing delest-couture.com and its Contents, and all other navigation of the website performed exclusively for legitimate use of delest-couture.com and its contents. You are not authorized to reproduce all or part of delest-couture.com and its Contents in any form. Any reproduction must be authorized on a case-by-case basis by the Provider and/or Delest Couture, or by the authors of the individual works contained in the Website if necessary. These reproductions must, in any case, be performed for legal purposes and in compliance with the copyright and other intellectual property rights of the provider and the authors of the individual works contained on the Website. The authors of individual works published on delest-couture.com have, at all times, the right to claim the ownership of their works and to oppose any deformation, alteration or other modification to them, including any damage caused to the works, to their honor or reputation. You undertake to respect the copyright of the artists who have chosen to publish their works on delest-couture.com or who have collaborated with delest-couture.com to create new expressive and artistic forms destined for publication, even if not exclusively on the Website, or which are an integral part of it. Furthermore, you are in no case authorized to use, in any way or form, the Contents of the Website and each individual work protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. For example, you may not alter or modify in any way the Contents and works protected without the consent of Delest Couture, the Provider and, where necessary, the individual authors of works published on delest-couture.com